XV Festival Internacional de Guitarra CIUTAT DE XIXONA 2020

At the beautiful sounding venue El Teatret in Xixona, Michalis and Dejan gave a recital for XV Festival Internacional de Guitarra CIUTAT DE XIXONA 2020. They included in their program the premiere of their new arrangement of the legendary Pictures at an Exhibition by...

Lamia Municipal Gallery

On December 14th 2019, Dejan and Michalis played a recital at the Lamia Municipal Gallery Alekos Kontopoulos (Greece).

Athenaeum Cultural Centre in Athens

On December 13th 2019 Dejan and Michalis played a concert in Athenaeum Cultural Guitar Centre in Athens (Greece). Their programme included the world premiere of the Four Fancies for two guitars by maestro Christopher Bochmann, a work dedicated to Duo...

José Tomás Villa de Petrer International Guitar Festival

Duo Kontaxakis-Ivanovich participated in the 23rd edition of the festival. Michalis and Dejan gave masterclasses, assisted in competition juries and had the honor to perform Concierto Madrigal by Joaquín Rodrigo as part of the Memorial Concert for 20th anniversary of...